Walking On Shaky Bridge – Building Courage in Kids

During a walk in the mountains, Ana overcame her fear of walking on a wooden bridge.

Fearful at first, she gradually raised her hands from the fence, and at the end she even started running. The walk was longer, the rain stopped us a bit, but Anna prayed to God to stop it :). And guess what! In a maximum of 20 minutes the rain stopped and we were able to continue our activities.

Courage does not develop in a day. Not in a month. Not in a year. Developing courage requires a certain attitude in the face of challenges. Because each age has its challenges with varying degrees of difficulty, courage must be developed continuously. A happy adult is a child who has overcome his challenges.

It is recommended that children be allowed to face certain challenges on their own. Alone. To see us nearby, but without holding our hand. This detail is very important. There will come a day when we will no longer be with us. Then they will have to fend for themselves.

Careful. The success of this approach depends on our ability to correctly identify the degree of risk of each challenge. Even if they are left alone, we must be sure that they cannot be hurt. It is not advisable to expose children to a risk well above their level of awareness. The challenges are gradual. Adapted for every child.